
This is the Audacious Society of Literary Critics and it is headed by me, Tuzi.  

On this website, I review books of my choosing. Predominantly YA fiction but I might venture out into other genres such as: 

And in YA fiction, I'll read pretty much anything: 


Image Credit: "Award" by Flaticon from Freepik
I select 13 of my favorite books in a specific genre or sub-genre to feature in my Top Thirteen posts. These, I generally post on Tuesdays or Thursdays (sticking to the "T" theme!). If you are out of books to read in one of the previously mentioned genres, please feel free to request a list!


Image Credits: "Time" by Flaticon from Simpleicon

This cool feature is hosted by Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating! "Waiting on Wednesday" posts will appear weekly, every Wednesday, and will have the Goodreads Blurb, some publication info, and my thoughts about how I want the book to release faster:) 


These types of posts will contain a review (pathos), analysis (logos), and discussion post (ethos). These are written to appeal to those who enjoy to fangirl/fanboy, as well as those who prefer a more serious, scholarly approach to analyzing books. I came up with this idea while reading/annotating Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers for English class and thought this would be a brilliant idea to practice both my analysis skills and spread the word about a book I enjoyed. 

As this is an original feature of my blog, please link back to The Audacious Society of Literary Critics if you would like to use this idea in your own blog!


These will be monthly posts that feature my reviews for 3-5 books I've read throughout the month. Each review will be short enough not to need a separate post, and although I will not have much to say about each book, I will only include books that I feel the need to review. 


For an extensive list of books I've read and enjoyed (or disliked), visit my Goodreads page here, and to stay updated with latest posts, follow me on Twitter here!